About Practical Product Ops

Practical Product Ops is… well… exactly that. Advice, guidance, thoughts, ideas, pitfalls to avoid and emerging trends in Product Operations. All hands-on, accessible, practical stuff - not wishy-washy top 1% theory.

About Graham Reed

Image of Graham Reed

Graham is a highly experienced software product manager and pioneer of Product Operations globally. Graham has won several industry awards relating to product ops and is considered amongst the foremost experts on the discipline, regularly speaking virtually and live at specialist events around the world, including co-hosting his own Product Ops Chronicles podcast.

Graham has worked for well-known brands in the education, business services and cyber security industries in the UK, Europe and US, including Cobalt, Learnlight, Community Brands, Follett, Constellation & Department for Education (UK). He has built Product Operations functions from scratch for some of these organisations and advised many more on Product Ops generally, including LaunchNotes, King, Visa.

Image of Graham Reed presenting in front of a presentation

Graham is a multi-time start-up veteran having previously led projects covering safety applications and mental health apps. Graham also founded the Product Mind Community - a free safe-space community for product professionals to discuss their state of mind and challenges with like-minded individuals.

Graham is also a 2x published author, with more titles on the way

Get to know all about Graham via his LinkedIn profile


All recommendations for Graham, his skills and experience


Specific Coaching and Advisory Services Graham engages in can be found here: Coaching, Training & Advisory Services

Graham also provides speaking engagements & keynotes at conferences and other events. Those hosted by businesses or paid-for subscriptions or communities are charged at an hourly rate.

Engagements hosted by free-to-access communities are not charged. 

All services are provided remote-first - in-person events will incur a charge to cover travelling.

Get in touch with Graham via LinkedIn to discuss your needs

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Everything Product Operations - less on the theory, more on the practise. And other things too...


All about Product Operations: Pioneer, Consultant, Coach, Author, Podcaster & Good Egg! Founder of Product Mind Community